The 2025 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) opened on January 7 in Las Vegas, highlighting groundbreaking applications and solutions powered by artificial intelligence (AI). Running from January 7 to January 10, the event will feature cutting-edge AI-enabled smart glasses. Key advancements include lightweight structural designs, full-color display capabilities, the seamless integration of AR and AI technologies, and the expansion of multi-scenario applications.
According to the event organizer, the Consumer Technology Association, CES 2025 has drawn over 4,500 companies from more than 160 countries and regions, with over 40% of exhibitors coming from outside the United States. The lineup includes major players such as NVIDIA, Qualcomm, Lenovo, TCL, Hisense, and BOE, alongside approximately 1,400 startups. Participants will showcase innovative products, technologies, and solutions in AI, digital health, electric vehicles, smart communities, and sustainability.
The event will host over 300 conferences and forums, bringing together corporate representatives, experts, and government officials to discuss emerging technologies, trends, and challenges in the global consumer electronics sector.
As one of the largest global gatherings in the consumer technology industry, CES has been a pivotal event since its inception in 1967, serving as a "barometer" for trends in the international electronics market. The 2024 CES attracted over 4,300 companies and approximately 138,000 attendees from around the world.