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Announcement by the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council of China on Imposing Additional Tariffs on Certain Imports Originating from Canada

10 Mar 2025

Announcement by the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council of China on Imposing Additional Tariffs on Certain Imports Originating from Canada

The Canadian government has announced that, effective October 1, 2024, a 100% tariff will be imposed on electric vehicles imported from China. Additionally, starting October 22, 2024, a 25% tariff will be applied to steel and aluminum products imported from China. These measures by the Canadian government severely violate World Trade Organization (WTO) rules, constitute a typical act of protectionism, and represent discriminatory measures against China, seriously undermining China's legitimate rights and interests.
In accordance with the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China, the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China, and other relevant laws and regulations, as well as fundamental principles of international law, and with the approval of the State Council, China will impose additional tariffs on certain imports originating from Canada, effective March 20, 2025. The details are as follows:
1. A 100% tariff will be imposed on canola oil, oilseed meal, and peas. The specific product list is provided in Annex 1.
2. A 25% tariff will be imposed on seafood and pork. The specific product list is provided in Annex 2.
3. For the listed products originating from Canada, the additional tariffs will be applied on top of the existing applicable tariff rates. Current bonded and duty exemption policies will remain unchanged, but the newly imposed tariffs will not be exempted.
4. The calculation of the relevant import duties will be as follows:
 Additional tariff amount = Customs valuation × Additional tariff rate
 Total customs duty = Duty payable at the existing applicable tariff rate + Additional tariff amount
 Import-related value-added tax (VAT) and consumption tax will be levied in accordance with relevant laws and regulations
1. List of Products Subject to 100% Tariffs
No. HS Code Product Name
1 15141100 Crude low-erucic acid rapeseed oil and its fractions
2 15141900 Other low-erucic acid rapeseed oil and its fractions
3 23064100 Low-erucic acid rapeseed oil cake and other solid residues
4 23064900 Other rapeseed oil cake and other solid residues
5 7081000 Fresh or chilled peas
6 7102100 Frozen peas
7 7131010 Peas for sowing
8 7131090 Dried peas, not for sowing

2. List of Products Subject to 25% Tariffs
No. HS Code Product Name
1 3033110 Frozen Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides)
2 3039900 Frozen fish fins and other fish offal
3 3061200 Frozen clawed lobsters
4 3061490 Other frozen crabs
5 3061630 Frozen cold-water shrimp and prawns (Pandalus, Crangon) – peeled
6 3061640 Frozen northern prawns (Pandalus borealis)
7 3061690 Frozen other cold-water shrimp and prawns (Pandalus, Crangon)
8 3061730 Frozen other shrimp and prawns – peeled
9 3061790 Frozen other shrimp and prawns
10 3061911 Frozen freshwater crayfish tails
11 3061919 Frozen whole freshwater crayfish
12 3061990 Other frozen crustaceans
13 3063210 Clawed lobster larvae
14 3063290 Live, fresh, or chilled clawed lobsters
15 3063310 Crab larvae
16 3063399 Live, fresh, or chilled other crabs
17 3063510 Cold-water shrimp and prawn larvae
18 3063590 Live, fresh, or chilled cold-water shrimp
19 3063610 Other shrimp and prawn larvae
20 3063690 Live, fresh, or chilled other shrimp
21 3063910 Other edible crustacean larvae
22 3063990 Other live, fresh, or chilled crustaceans
23 3069200 Dried, smoked, or salted clawed lobsters
24 3069390 Dried, smoked, or salted other crabs
25 3069510 Dried, smoked, or salted cold-water shrimp and prawns
26 3069590 Dried, smoked, or salted shrimp and prawns
27 3069900 Other crustaceans
28 3077191 Live, fresh, or chilled clams
29 3077199 Live, fresh, or chilled surf clams and ark clams
30 3077200 Frozen clams, surf clams, and ark clams
31 3077900 Dried, smoked, or salted clams, surf clams, and ark clams
32 3079110 Other mollusk larvae
33 3079190 Live, fresh, or chilled other mollusks
34 3079200 Frozen other mollusks
35 3079900 Other mollusks
36 3081190 Live, fresh, or chilled sea cucumbers
37 3081200 Frozen sea cucumbers
38 3081900 Dried, smoked, or salted sea cucumbers
39 15042000 Other fish oils, fats, and their fractions
40 16051000 Processed or preserved crabs
41 16052100 Processed or preserved shrimp and prawns (non-hermetically sealed)
42 16052900 Other processed or preserved shrimp and prawns
43 16053000 Processed or preserved lobsters
44 16054011 Processed or preserved freshwater crayfish tails
45 16054019 Processed or preserved whole freshwater crayfish
46 16054090 Processed or preserved other crustaceans
47 16055610 Processed or preserved clams
48 16055900 Processed or preserved other mollusks
49 16056100 Processed or preserved sea cucumbers
50 2031110 Fresh or chilled whole or half suckling pigs
51 2031190 Other fresh or chilled whole or half pigs
52 2031200 Fresh or chilled bone-in pork shoulders, hams, and cuts thereof
53 2031900 Other fresh or chilled pork
54 2032110 Frozen whole or half suckling pigs
55 2032190 Other frozen whole or half pigs
56 2032200 Frozen bone-in pork shoulders, hams, and cuts thereof
57 2032900 Other frozen pork
58 2063000 Fresh or chilled pork offal
59 2064100 Frozen pork liver
60 2064900 Other frozen pork offal
61 2101110 Dried, smoked, or salted bone-in pork legs
62 2101190 Dried, smoked, or salted bone-in pork leg cuts
63 2101200 Dried, smoked, or salted pork belly
64 2101900 Dried, smoked, or salted other pork
① The HS codes refer to those in the *Customs Import and Export Tariff of the People's Republic of China (2025)*.
② The product names are for reference only. The exact scope of products is determined by the corresponding HS codes in the *Customs Import and Export Tariff of the People's Republic of China (2025)*.

Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council
March 8, 2025
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